Wednesday, January 26, 2011

twinkle lights...I would.

My first post! If you know me at all you know that I have a fixation with lighting. Lighting has to be a certain way depending on my activity at the moment. It is different for reading,studying,talking with friends,getting ready, on and on. I like finding fun ways besides lamps to provide appropriate lighting for my mood. =) I especially love lighting that comes from old white wire Christmas lights...ahm...twinkle lights=) They make me very happy. I cant always handle the overhead lighting of my dorm so these are a softer option. I have seen lots of different ways to recycle your lights left over from the holidays but these are a few of my favorites...try them!!

This one is using a black chalkboard with small holes drilled into it just the right size for the twinkle light bulbs to poke through. I like this one because you can come up with different designs using patterns or words and still write on the board. I would really love to try it in the shape of a tree or a skyline.

Of course mason jars or old wine bottles (esp. darker colored ones) serve as a good home for the lights

whether they are hanging like this..

or the way I have them in my dorm room along side some other jars like this..

This one is used from an old drum style lamp shade. All you have to do is wrap the lights around the shade and attach the shade with hooks into the ceiling. I wanna try!!
And this tent makes it even better

YAY for soft lighting! Shalom, Amanda.